Alexander death story (In English with Urdu translation)


Alexander Mysterious death

Alexander the great or Alexander III of Macedon was born in 356 BC and became the youngest king of the era at the age of 20 after the death of his father.

He was the student of Aristotle who was the famous philosopher of his time therefore he had an extraordinary leadership skill.

At this age he conquered many countries and was unstoppable.

But at the age of 32 he got seriously ill and died in 323 BC.

Till six days his body did not show any sign of decomposition therefore his followers started considering him the son of God.

His death is still a mystery.

Historians have different opinion about his death cause such as Malaria, typhoid or alcoholic poison.

But new theory of New Zealand researchers astonished every one.

According to the research Alexander did not die but he had a neurological disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS).

In this disease human body system responds this much slow that person looks dead.

In the ancient times there was no technology to diagnose this disease that is why Alexandra was declared dead and buried alive due to wrong diagnostic.

How the body could be decomposed if the Alexander was alive.

This is the most astonishing death story of a king who was undefeatable at that time and still is believed to be the most powerful conqueror of all times.

The conqueror who was undefeatable by the powerful armies was miserably defeated by the death.

So the lesson of the story is that death is undefeatable and even Alexander can not fight with it.


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  1. Thank You for the post sir and also for the Urdu along with English. My all time biggest confusion of Alexander the Great and sikandre Azam has been solved.


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